Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Lost into the Machine

Rainy candlelit autumn evening, just perfect setting for some writing. Nothing has changed in the absurd health situation, yet. Probably won't either, but at least I've tried my best. A wonderful journalist came today for an interview, I'll tell you when it's in the paper. I got a phone call from the chief physician of my hospital clinic, and I'm now going there for a week, next Wednesday. Then we'll know more. The problem is, though, they'll have absolutely no way of knowing how to take care of me, so I need to write a manual... I've too many experiences of how I've been given wrong medicine in hospital or nobody knowing what to do when I fell unconscious. But I hope this is sorted out somehow now. I want to believe in miracles. I believe in miracles. It's just that I don't believe in health care system, Finnish authorities, or their humanity anymore.

One unpleasant surprise today was to find out my kidneys don't like that they are left without one essential treatment because of all "this". I've got infusions for 2,5 years, every 3 weeks. Then, in the beginning of September, someone suddenly decided it might be harmful, as there is the name of the banned doctor in my medical papers. So now, 3 days after I should (in normal situation) have had the infusion, my body does not understand that it has been denied the essential care, and starts to be cranky. Now I need antibiotics. How nice. Plain old natriumchlorid was thought to be harmful for me (after 2,5 years of no side effects whatsoever) and immediately after it was denied, I need antibiotics as my kidneys can't handle the situation. Antibiotics are just fine? I feel like lost in a crazy wonderland of bureaucratic nightmare. Naturally I have a song for that too. Koneeseen kadonnut. (Lost into the Machine.)

 Lost into the Machine
Juha Tapio/Toni Wirtanen

What's lost into the machine
you can't get back
worn out, used
to feed the circle

Maybe (we) trusted too much,
that the time fixes
that, which for (we) made
so much effort

to bring down
that, what was meant to be beautiful

Pain dies by shouting
naked on the floor
how long it lasts
no, that can't be known

Who is hurting and how much
that's probably the only question any longer
when we've reached the point
when nothing is certain

The longest hours in the, world
you get stuck in their grip
you carry them the until the end
though you don't always realise it

What kind of is that heaven
That we never found
I have heard so much about it
some of it even from my own mouth

You can keep going as far
as you can convince yourself

Pain dies by shouting
naked on the floor
how long it lasts
no, that can't be known

Who is hurting and how much
that's probably the only question left
when we've reached the point
when nothing is certain

Some of us are unhappy
burned but numb
penitent but unfaithful
more than restless

The principle is absolute
argument is solid
equation maybe impossible

What do you mean, as if merciless?

Pain dies by shouting
naked on the floor
how long it lasts
no, that can't be known

Who is hurting and how much
that's probably the only question left
when we've reached the point
when nothing is certain

very insufficient translation by harvinaisenkauniselama

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